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Johnny Storm is the younger brother of Sue Storm (aka - The Invisible Woman) and one quarter of the Fantastic Four! As the youngest member of the group, Johnny's wild, often immature, somewhat conceited, and always entertaining.
Johnny became the Human Torch when he joined his brother-in-law, Richard Reed -- along with sister Sue and quasi-nemesis Ben Grimm -- aboard Reed's starship which was bombarded with nearly lethal doses of cosmic radiation near the Van Allen Belt. The cosmic rays wrecked havoc on the ship's insufficient shielding, and the group was forced to return to Earth immediately.
The ship landed safely on Earth again, but the group discovered almost instantly that they'd all been mutated in one fashion or another. Johnny's mutation was that he could burst into flames and fly... anytime he wanted to! And without burning himself at all! Reed eventually convinced the others to join together and use their powers to benefit mankind -- thus they became, The Fantastic Four.