Real Name: Tim
Year Born: 1959
Currently Resides: Grand Junction, Michigan
Currently Collects: Camaro diecast, Ralstoy moving trucks, Marx Blue Ribbon Dogs
First Collection as an "Adult": HotWheels
Past Collections: Coins, Sportscards
Main Collectible Today: HotWheels '67 Camaros
Collecting This for: Several Years
Favorite Item in Collection: TH Camaro (thanks to the generosity of my friends)
Approximate Number of Items in Collection: Maybe 500?
Current Vehicle: '79 Chevy truck (LOVE it!)
Dream Vehicle: '67 Camaro, of course
Other Hobbies: Frisbee, Pinball, Sports
Favorite Movie: The Warriors! And also, Tombstone w/Val Kilmer
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld (nothing comes close)
Favorite Music: Top 40 pop, Country, Old School Rap
Favorite Food: Corn on the cob, dripping with butter and salt..... mmm!
Visit Thing's Photo Page and see some of his customized diecast Camaros!
Ben Grimm is the hideously misshapen monster known as the Thing. Once a World War II veteran and ace test pilot, his life was changed forever on that fateful day when he was goaded by "Suzie" to fly Reed's ship. Sue even gave him his frighteningly appropriate name; "Ben's turned into some kind of a -- Thing!" Early on (and between issues #238-245) Ben was a lumpy Thing, unlike the rocky Thing we now know and love. Also, early on he was depicted as something of a monster with an incredible temper. He never truly got over being the Thing, although he did calm down -- a lot.
Reed once theorized that Ben could change between his human form and the Thing at will. However, Ben subconciously believed that Alicia Masters loved him only because he was the Thing, and therefore his subconcious blocked his ability to become human again. Ben took leaves of abscence from the Fantastic Four occasionally. All were over a short period of time with one notable exception. He left in Issue #264 (Secret Wars I #12) to stay on the Secret Wars planet, where he was able to change back and forth between the Thing and Ben Grimm at will. Alicia Masters first appeared along with her step father, the evil Puppet Master, in Issue #8. She and Ben fell in love, and became one of the best examples of "opposites attract." She is a gentle, blind sculptress, while Ben is a large, powerful sometimes brutish monster. When Ben left in Issue #265, Alicia (who was actually Lyja in disguise) fell for Johnny. When Ben returned, he was furious and decided not to stay. After the revalation in Issue #357 that Alicia was in fact Lyja, she and Ben were never really reunited.
Real Name : Benjamin J. Grimm
Eye Color : Blue
Hair Color : As the Thing, None, as Ben Grimm, Brown
Relatives (Living): Jake - Uncle, Petunia (Penny) - Aunt (1st apperance FF #239)
Godson: Franklin Richards
Superpowers: Can press 85 tons, Can withstand great heat, cold, and pressures, Can hold his breath for upwards of 10 minutes.
Obviously, Ben's strength is his greatest asset. Strength is really the only super ability he possesses, all other apparent abilities are merely an extension of his incalculable strength.
Those in the Marvel Universe that are Stronger than the Thing :
Watchers, Galactus, Surtur, Mephisto, Shaper of Worlds, Ego, Odin, Kurse, Silver Surfer, Binary, Abomination, Hulk, Terminus
(enhanced by Armor), Iron Man I/II (enhanced by armor), Thor, Beta Ray Thor, Hercules, Gladiator, Magus, Dragon Man, Nimrod, Maelstrom,
Forgotten One, Absorbing Man, Juggernaut, Goliath, Orka, Wonder Man, Ulik!
As you can see, the only humans that are completely in control of their facilities that are stronger than the Thing are Iron Man (w/ extra power) Absorbing Man, Juggernaut and Wonder Man (too bad he's dead). Those on the same strength level as the Thing are Titania, the Sandman, Sub-Mariner (in water) and Box.