Real Name: David
Year Born: 1959
Currently Resides: North Bend, Washington
Currently Collects: Glass eyes
First Collection as an "Adult": Stamps
Past Collections: Stamps, records, PEZ, Hot Wheels, Mukys, Mebetoys, electronic stuff, glass eyes, Simpsons
Main Collectible Today: Hot Wheels
Collecting This for: 10 yrs
Favorite Item In Collection: Purple Deora
Approximate Number of Items in Collection: 7,000
Current Vehicle: 1996 Tahoe, 2003 VW GTI
Dream Vehicle: Rottwheeler
Other Hobbies: Whitewater kayaking, playing guitar
Favorite Movie: Brazil
Favorite TV Show: My Name Is Earl
Favorite Music: Rock
Favorite Food: Ice cream
As the clumsiest, least powerful member of the
Super 6, Super Bwoing nevertheless always got his man... eventually. The Super 6
was a half-hour cartoon series of Depatie-Freleng Productions in 1966. The same
company also produced the Pink Panther and other cartoon shows.
Super Bwoing rode a flying-wedge type guitar through the air, holding the
strings like the reins for a horse. His eyes could emit super laser beams and
there was a signal light on his guitar that would alert him (via Super Service
Headquarters) when his services were needed. In attack mode (i.e.-fighting
enemies) would would yell out words like ZIP, ZAM, ZOWIE and SWOOSH. Super
Bwoing got the fewest jobs because of his clumsiness, but he was a fan favorite
among guitarists.
The Super 6 was composed of: Super Bwoing, Elevator Man, Granite Man, Super
Scuba, Magneto Man and Captain Whammo. The Super 6 aired on NBC-TV between 1966
and 1969.