Real Name: David
Year Born: 1969
Currently Resides: DFW, TX
Currently Collects: Nascar Diecast, and Hot Wheels
First Collection as an "Adult": Nascar Diecast
Past Collections: Baseball Cards, Knives
Main Collectible Today: Nascar Diecast
Collecting This for: About 9 years
Favorite Item in Collection: Employee Exclusive Jimmie Johnson Power of Pride Diecast from 2004
Approximate Number of Items in Collection: Maybe 75
Current Vehicle: 2004 Mazda Miata Speed
Dream Vehicle: Porsche 911 GT2 Twin turbo
Other Hobbies: Bowling, Golf, watching lots of TV
Favorite Movie: Breakfast Club
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld(Past), Two & A Half Men(current)
Favorite Music: The Beatles, Green Day, No Doubt, Kiss, Queen, Rush
Favorite Food: Mexican
Visit the Photo Page of Danger Mouse to see his kewl Miata!
Danger Mouse features a wacky cartoon secret agent mouse created in England (by Cosgrove/Hall Productions) which aired on American TV screens beginning in 1981. By 1984 Danger Mouse was on Nickelodeon and helped that network garner their highest ratings to date.
Danger Mouse has a hampster sidekick named Penfold. Penfold inadvertantly gets into trouble a lot and has to be rescued by Danger Mouse. But he's a great side man nonetheless. They get their assignments from Colonel K., their walrus commander. Generally, they battle all sorts of villians in order to save the world. Their main adversary is a crazy frog named Baron Silas Greenback (and Greenback's henchman crow, Stiletto.
Danger Mouse, or "DM" for short, speaks with a humble British accent. The cartoon is sort of a parody of James Bond, with more than a hint of "Monty Python" and "Airplane" type spoofs thrown in. Very funny stuff!