Real Name: Jerry
Year Born: 1969
Currently Resides: St. Louis, Missouri
Currently Collects: Active collecting is on hold at this time, but I have my Hot Wheels, with special sub collections including Flying Colors Redlines, '32 Fords, and Torino Stockers; Light Sabres (have 7 custom or found parts originals plus one store-bought); Storm trooper stuff, including replica armor suit.
First Collection as an "Adult": Hot Wheels
Past Collections: As a kid, I had Hot Wheels, way more LEGOs, rocks, computer stuff.
Main Collectible Today: Hot Wheels
Collecting This for: About 11 yrs
Favorite Item in Collection: '76 Toy Fair Van; Storm Trooper Blaster made from a real Sterling SMG
Approximate Number of Items in Collection: Too many to count; recently boxed up 162 packaged cars to give to Toys for Tots without batting an eye. Have six 98-car mirrored display cases that are full, representing the great cars I have.
Current Vehicle: '97 Mustang Cobra convertible, 35,xxx miles
Dream Vehicle: Original Ford GT-40
Other Hobbies: Autocross in my Cobra, working occasionally on my '85 Mustang GT
Favorite Movie: The Professional
Favorite TV Show: The Office
Favorite Music: Beastie Boys (at least for now)
Favorite Food: Indian
Professor John Frink is a bit charactor on The Simpsons, despite not being listed on their Official Website. He first appeared in season 2, in an episode ("Old Money") where he tried to sell Grandpa Abe on a death ray gun that he'd created. All told, Professor Frink has appeared in more than 50 episodes, from season 2 to season 10.
Frink has an IQ of 199, but Stephen Hawking wasn't impressed.
The Professor is an expert of invention, but seldom appreciated (Hey, he's not even listed on the website!)