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Welcome to the SuperFriends of Collecting website!
The film strip characters below are identities adopted by SFOC
members. Click on an image to discover who's who!
SuperFriends of Collecting is a group of close friends who came
together out of a shared interest for collecting diecast. The group currently
consists of 12 members and was born in 2001. By nature, this group is rather
exclusive. Not because we see ourselves as better than anyone, but because we
see ourselves as good for each other.
See the original artwork "SuperFriends cover #1" by our own Deadman,
and now "SuperFriends cover #2" by the
Or listen to the original SuperFriends Rap song in mp3 format!
SuperFriends are a motley bunch, collecting everything from diecast to
Model railroad items to action figures! Records to sportscards!
Comic books to cookie jars!
And some of us have stopped collecting
altogether, but we remain close friends.
Site Creation by - The Hulk!