Welcome to my Railroad Empire!
I'm sad to report that the following N-scale project took a back seat to a new home office. All model railroading components have since been sold, but I'll keep this section up just in case anyone enjoys the photos.
What follows are photos of my N-scale model railroad layout (in progress). I'll also have a
section dedicated to showcasing my [meager] locomotive roster and various rolling stock.
On to the layout photos!
This is a shot of the early benchwork. I opted for 1x4" whitewood from Home Depot
for my framing. My layout is an "L" shaped arrangement, with one leg being 102" long by
48" wide, and the other leg measuring 98" long by 40" wide. The top is 1/2" CDX grade plywood.
This photo shows a bit more detail--cross-bracing and the plywood top.
The benchwork was constructed in two individual sections, and then bolted together. In
this photo we see the "short" section, although it helps compose the longest stretch of the
And here, then, is the opposing section. I used a simple Skill saw, variable speed
drill, and common hand tools to construct the benchwork. A radial arm saw would have been
infinitely more desirable, but I think I did okay.
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